Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Editing Process

I was so excited that I managed to figure out how to edit down my dance lesson and show an abbreviated form of it last night. I woke up this morning and thought about the 'editing process'. Yes, I definately highlighted the areas where I wasn't making mistakes. But life's not like that. We don't learn without making mistakes. And I make a lot of them! (And that would be why I'm so smart, right?? Haha).

So I decided to include a blooper version as well. This is reality. You stumble before you walk ... you never stop learning (or making mistakes?).

And as you will see, this is why I love my dance lessons and think I have the best instructor out there. Listen to the laughter as we foul up along the way. If you can't laugh and learn from your mistakes ... what fun is there to learning??

The last 2 'bloopers' are from dance showcases and they aren't as obvious because we don't stop and laugh. We just carry on.

And that's the lesson of the day ... we all make mistakes, but we don't have to stop trying ... just pick yourself up and carry on (and laugh if you are able!).

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