Thursday, August 14, 2008

Impossible Things

As much as I don't enjoy the hurdles, obstacles and challenges that keep popping up in life ... I need them.

I have slipped into a post-holiday lethargy. I have conquered most of the things on my to-do list. There are no future commitments that spur on a wave of ambition. Money is tight so I can't 'invest' in anything to keep me busy. I feel like a squirrel hoarding his nuts for winter. Only I don't feel like I have as much control over 'my nuts' as the squirrel does.

This laid back life is relaxing and somewhat enjoyable. But it doesn't push me out of my comfort zone. If life is too easy, it loses its zest.

I love the feeling of accomplishing something that I didn't know I could do. There is an air of invincibility after you do 'impossible things'.

So I really must be grateful to my friend who asked for help with her wedding invitations. She had complete and utter faith and trust in me. I thought if it was something simple, I could easily pull this off. But it wasn't as simple as I (hoped for??) anticipated. I had to dust off all of my unused brain cells to make this work. Thank goodness for my success with The Book. It has taught me that I can figure things out. Even if I don't take the quickest, most efficient steps to get there, I can usually finish the task set out before me.

And that was the case yesterday. To anyone who is familiar with Microsoft Word, I'm sure what I accomplished would have been simple. How I accomplished it, resulted in the same finished product. But I'm quite sure that I took 10 extra steps to achieve that goal.

But ... I did it! I had no doubt in my mind that I had to live up to my friend's belief in me. So I did it. And because it was no easy task to do so, I received the unexpected reward of 'accomplishing an impossible thing'. This is an ingredient that I have found that I need as much as air to breathe, to feel excited and passionate about life.

I am blessed to be surrounded by people who believe in me. I believe that they are somewhat deluded in their thoughts - that I am in no way all that they think that I am. But because they believe that I am better than I really am, I strive to meet their expectations.

Accomplishing impossible things is a great way to build your confidence. Being surrounded by people who believe that you can do these impossible things is a gift.

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