Thursday, December 11, 2008

Optimism and Gratitude

" ... living positively and optimistically increases life expectancy by 10 years ..."

" ... people who focus on gratitude - appreciating the positives in the world and around them - are downright happier and have a greater sense of physical and emotional well-being, than those who focus on the negatives ..."

" ... a few of the many benefits of being grateful: you'll have more energy, more optimism, more joy, improved health, more enthusiasm, more resilience in tough times, less envy, more of a willingness to help others and an increased likelihood of living longer ... "

I read two different articles within a handful of days, which cited gratitude and optimism as factors in increasing life expectancy.

And if you are going to live a longer life, doesn't it make for a happier life to live it full of gratitude and optimism anyway?

Any time I find myself surrounded by a person with 'negative energy', it feel as though I'm being pulled me into the abyss with them. As I try to empathize and actively listen to what they are saying, I feel myself fighting for air every time.

Trying to put myself in another person's shoes is something that I try to enhance in my life. But to a point. To join someone on their journey of looking at the dark side of the world feels dangerous, unless I go in with a life line to hold onto.

I've surrounded myself with positive, encouraging, life-breathing souls. I feel energized after I have been in their presence! We bounce words, ideas, life happenings off of each other and it is like volleying a ball. For the most part, we can keep the ball in the air and we both walk away feeling like winners.

To be around a person that drains me of my zest for life, feels exactly the opposite. I feel like they are in that 'volleyball game' to win. To make their point and score.

I don't like keeping score in life. I like to feel like part of a team where fair play and good sportsmanship are the name of the game. I like to feel energized after I 'wage words' with someone. Not drained.

My way of thinking and feeling about this was recently challenged - that it is "not good to surround yourself, only with people who agree with you."

No doubt, there is some rational to that statement. I don't want to be in a friendship where we are identical thinkers, there is no room for growth or expansion on how a person feels. I believe that 2 people can have 2 completely opposite beliefs in something, yet find common ground to meet on. I believe that happens more often than not. I believe that people can agree to disagree. I believe that everyone has their right and justification as to how they feel. I can like a person without agreeing with everything that they say.

The person that challenged me, challenges everything. Certainly, a person doesn't have to believe everything that they hear. But to challenge everything that you read/hear/see seems like an enormous drain on your resources. Especially when you can use that same energy to be optimistic and grateful!! And live a long and happy life!

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