Saturday, January 24, 2009


I have been idling in limbo-land this week. Spinning my wheels, going no where. Stuck. My words have been halted as well and I haven't been drawn to write my thoughts. I guess when I don't feel like I'm headed in a firm direction, I lose a sense of myself. It amazes me, how the words that you need to hear, are presented to you ... if only you listen.

'Greys Anatomy' often speaks to me. This past weeks episode had a thread of 'being stuck in limbo' as part of the storyline. I felt the similarity in my own life. Stuck in between thinking and doing. Stuck.

I have a 'Mountain Wings' email greet me every morning. Friday's message contained the theme that if you want something done, give it to a busy person. They will get it done. As it went on, it described the qualities of that busy person and explained the dynamics of how this works. I read it, I understood it, I believe it ... and I thought "I used to be that busy person" ... I need to get busy again.

I've been watching the web casts on Oprah's 'Best Life Series' this past week. There were morsels of information in each show that I wrote down (enough to fill almost 6 pages in a scribbler that I have named "Oprah isms"). The quote that resonated with me this week was "What gifts lie within me that I promised myself to share, that I have not dusted off for a while?" Hm mm .... I have made promises to myself that I am not keeping.

As the week progressed, I knew that the only answer was to start getting busy. I not only have to dust off that, which is within me ... but I think I need a good, swift kick-start!

I have so many responsibilities, ideas and goals within me at the moment that I feel overwhelmed. Yet I still try to reserve my evenings for my 'down time'. It is whatever I can squeeze into my 9 - 5 hours (while I am tending the kids), that I am getting done. I'm willing to give up one day of my weekend, but not both. I'm carving out time for myself. It is like grabbing an oxygen mask for yourself, so that you can help others. If I don't take care of my most basic needs, I will get no where.

So, I need to kick-start today. An entire day lies before me. How can I best spend it??

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