Saturday, August 29, 2009

Time to Pause

I like when life hands me moments where I must stop in my tracks and enjoy the moment ...

My mind has been consumed with many thoughts lately, as I ready myself for the next season of change. As I gear up to go back to school and wind up a few aspects of life at the same time, my mind is busy tying up loose ends so that I can look to the future with a clear slate. Or so has been the intent.

The chaos of my mind hasn't been a restful place to be. I'm getting a lot accomplished because this is just what I do. I do best under pressure. If I have to get "X" amount of things done in "X" amount of time, I do. If the deadline is wishy washy, so is my enthusiasm. So this has been exactly where I need to be right now. It feels good to get things tied up and put behind me.

But this week has had a few opportunities to just sit back and savor the moment.

An impromptu visit with friends, that happened without forethought. I had some things to drop off and I was invited to sit down and stay a while. I did. And it was wonderful. Sitting still and spending time with people that fill your soul is energizing. It was something that I would have thought I didn't have time for. But you always have time for moments like these (or you should). Time to breathe. Some people breathe life into you when you are overwhelmed with the days. And this was such an occasion.

Then, my mom had a one night layover at my house en route to a family wedding and a bit of a holiday for her last night. Once again, this is an evening that I can easily fill with errand running and to-do-list-items. But I was forced to pause and be still. I'm so glad that I was.

'My boys' called or dropped in during the day, checking on 'grandma's' arrival time. They both took time to pause in their own lives to come and spend part of their Friday night hanging out with me and my mom. Unplanned, unexpected and unchoreographed ... it was an evening that was perfectly relaxing. I brought out snacks that I just happened to have around and I didn't waste a moment fretting about food/snacks/drinks or entertaining. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride.

'My boys' arrival and departure times were staggered, so there was a chance for one-on-one visits as well as the family-portion of the evening. The dynamics changed ever so slightly and my mom had a chance to get to know the deeper side of my younger son as his stay lingered on. I sat back and listened and just enjoyed the moments.

Small snippets of time, little pieces of conversations, being still to enjoy the moment are a gift. Especially when you are consumed with the act of living. Taking time to breathe and just enjoy the here and now balances out the busyness of living.

It is time that I wouldn't have purposely carved out, but it is time that I am so glad that I was given.

Moments to pause. Moments to savor ...

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