Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts of Gratitude

Gratitude is something that I live and breathe every day of the year. Unconsciously, I whisper ''thank you'' aloud on a regular basis.

The ability to be sitting here at my computer alone provides a chapter full of words of thanks. The ability to sit, read, write, communicate with family and friends that span the continent ... at any time of the day or night. My health and the good health of my family, which makes it easy to have the energy to focus on other things. My family, which is a phone call, an email or one 'SOS' away. My friends - which I may not see on a regular basis ... but I know that they are there. My home - that provides shelter from not only the weather, but is my oasis in the storm. It is a place I love being, coming home to, being confined to and inviting the people of my life into.

That's all 'old news'. That is the stuff that I am eternally grateful for every single breath of every single day. On this Thanksgiving Day, I'm grateful for the adversities in my life.

Without the challenges that I had along the way, I shudder to think where I may be right now. What I fear, is that I would be in a place where life's simple gifts weren't something that I appreciated.

I've had to climb out of a few valleys that felt overwhelming at the time. The last battle was one that was starting to overtake me. But I got out. I tossed a life-line to people I trusted ... and they walked with me through the darkness.

They couldn't do anything for me. But they supported me, listened to me, were there for me and I trusted them with my innermost thoughts. I had to do the work alone. But I had family and friends at my side.

Enduring the 'storms' of life changed me. I am a better person for living the life that I have led. But most importantly ... I am hoping that my children will walk in my footsteps when adversity comes there way.

Being the parent of adult children is a wonderful place to be. I believe that I am a better parent now, than I was 'then'. Back in the days of my children's youth, one long bear-hug (to assure them that I was there for them) would have helped to keep their darkest fears at bay. But many times, I wasn't there for them. I was too busy growing up and climbing out of the hills and valleys of my life at that time.

As a mother to my adult sons, I feel stronger. I am here now. I can empathize, listen and feel some of what they feel. I can't do the work for them ... but I can walk along with them. They are not alone.

I am championing for my children as they walk the rough paths of life. And when I see them stand up tall, in the face of adversity ... take the road less travelled ... the road that is an uphill battle and tough to walk ... I am proud and happy for them beyond words.

It's a small thing, but maybe one thing that they did learn from me is stand up and endure the challenges of life. Because you just don't know what is around the next corner.

It's hard to be grateful for life's adversities when you are in the thick of them. You have to believe that if you work through those times and strive to build a life where you won't repeat the mistakes of your past ... you will one day look back at these dark days and say "Thank you."

You will be grateful. One day.

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