Monday, February 22, 2010

Returning to Life as I Know It

It has been a glorious ride. These past months of anticipating this Great Dance Adventure have been as marvelous as The Adventure itself. There is not a moment that I would change.

I love the fact that I can relive the moments each and every time I talk about the events of the past few weeks. This adventure had so very little to do with travelling and vacation destinations. It had everything to do with the people that I kept company with.

The very best thing about making people such an integral part of the memory, is that I get to 'keep' those people in my life.

The changes to our day to day lives upon our return is unchanged for the most part. A lot of the people that went along on this Adventure with me, are people that I don't see on a regular basis at the dance studio. But I know that I am a little bit changed inside, because I got to know a small piece about these people. This is a gift that I could pack up and take home with me.

When our paths cross again (and I know that they will), we will have a connection that we didn't have before. A shared experience. A memory of a time that was out of the ordinary.

As I walk through my regularly scheduled life, I am changed. Ever so slightly. I have something special in my memory bank and will propel myself forward from here.

I must return to the books, kids, house keeping and errand running. And dancing. It may only be a fraction of the time that I will be spending at the studio compared to the extra lessons I took in preparation for The Big Event. But I shall continue to dance.

Every time I dance ... every time I hear a song that reminds me of time well spent on the Greatest Adventure of My Life So Far ... I will feel the feelings that I felt while I was living my dream.

Life as I know it is good. In fact, I think it's even a little better than it was before this memory making experience ...

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