Saturday, June 5, 2010

Girls Night Out

For the past four Fridays (out of five), an enjoyable tradition has started. A night out with the girls.

This is a stage of my 'development' that I skipped over. Between an early start into my parenthood career and then subsequent additions to my family, I haven't had many opportunities to go out on a regular basis.

It has seemed that each time one of my children was nearing the age of independence, I had another baby. It's just the way life happened. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

But ... I am giddy with excitement to be out with the girls. We've taken in a little culture, a few chick-flicks and we have many adventures on the horizon.

Theatre is an interest of many, Our Fair City offers a summer time full of interesting events and all of us enjoy dancing. So that may take us to new and exciting places.

What is interesting about the dynamic of personalities, is that each person (even if they have been unable to come out one particular evening) is eager to keep 'in the loop'. Lots of fresh ideas circulating about what adventures we can partake in, as a group.

What I like best, is the conversation. It is interesting to get to know new people and to open myself up to new friendships.

I don't think that I could have appreciated the 'freedom' to go out on a regular basis, had this opportunity come to me sooner in life.

I am fortunate to be forging out on new adventures and feeling like I'm 17 years old again. Out on the town, with the girls.

It doesn't matter what age you are, it does your soul good to get out with the girls ... with friends.

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