Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Longest ... Yet the Shortest Summer of My Life

As I stated in an RSVP to a friend, "... it is simply a month with not enough days to do all that I want/need to do, yet a month with too many days at the end of the money ..." That has been the story of my summer.

The summer holiday season came in with a bang. In the first week of summer, I participated in a dance camp, held a pot luck supper, had cousins over for a small gathering, went to visit my mom. And then ... came our new reality.

I had hopes and plans for the summer. A new 'tradition' was being formed - one where a group of friends went out on a semi regular basis. Summer is a hard time to co-ordinate these outings because people are away on holidays, entertaining out of town guests and just generally busy. But what I found most frustrating was my lack of time and money to keep the ball rolling. My new budget simply didn't have room for these extra curricular activities.

I had hoped that this would be the summer that I would be a tourist in my own city. Our Fair City offers a lot of entertainment over the city months. I have never taken part in these events but I thought 'this would be the year'. Summer came and went ... and I managed to take in two evenings of entertainment. Better than last year ... but not quite up to my expectations.

I was ready, willing and able to partake in spontaneous visits and trips. I have no regrets there. In fact, that is what this 'new life' is all about. But ...

The underlying theme of this summer has been 'the budget'. Not enough work; too much work/not enough hours in the week; budgeting my time for work; budgeting the funds I was (or wasn't making) by working. Budgeting and work! Work and budgeting! Too much fretting!

As I was saying good night to My Youngest last night, I reminded him that today was the last official day of holidays. School registration is tomorrow morning and it's back to the books on Tuesday. It was like watching a balloon deflate in front of my eyes. We are still waiting for the fun, carefree days of summer. Our summer came and went ... and we missed it.

I've been wishing the summer months away because there has been too much month left at the end of the money. Yet there haven't been enough days to work in all that I had hoped to do. I not only missed out on attending the party I had been invited to, I missed out on summer.

Summer of 2010. I blinked ... and it was over. Oh well, we can still make the most of the months ahead.

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