Monday, November 1, 2010

Turning Over a New Leaf (and a new calendar page)

This is it! I must write quickly, get my Mom's letter mailed, lunch made and be on with my day!!! November is the month that I pull up my socks and work 8 hour days, spend only what my budget allows, cook meals and become motivated!!!

October?? That was an experiment. Apparently, an experiment gone wrong.

I lived in the moment, stopped worrying about the budget, went with the flow and savored the moments. I thought at the end of that 'experiment', I would have discovered the secret to living well. I didn't.

It all started going terribly wrong last week.

The end of the month was looming and my credit card balance escalated to new heights. Not heights that it hasn't seen before. It simply soared beyond my means.

The end of the month arrived and not only did my bookkeeping work never pick up last month, but my motivation to work descended to an all time low. I could have worked this past weekend. But I didn't.

October was a write off in many ways. I knew I would have to compensate for that in November. So I thought I may as well 'enjoy' the last few days of un-motivation, overspending and laziness this past weekend.

Big mistake.

Hello November! I am so glad to turn the page and find a bright and shiny new month. Let's see what I can accomplish in the next 30 days ...

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