Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Night Off

Finally! I sat still in our 'new' living room and watched TV last night.

Then, I fell asleep. Sitting up.

The only thing that could keep me awake was movement or eating. When I stopped both ... I slept.

By 8:00, I could no longer even try to keep my eyes open. So I started the 'mission' of going to bed.

Darn! I had a dish from supper soaking in the kitchen sink. I like waking up and finding an empty sink. So I washed that and put it away.

Drats! That load of laundry was still in the dryer. If I put that away, I would have extra time to return a few emails in the morning. I began the (seemingly) endless task of folding the clothes and putting them away.

Cat litter! Just do it. If it is cleaned at night, it is one less thing to do in the morning.

Garbage! It wasn't overflowing, but as with everything else ... I like knowing it won't be one of those jobs I'm racing to do as I'm running out the door in the morning.

Then I 'just' had to get my head ready for bed. Wash my face. Brush my teeth. I was almost there. The finish line was so close.

I crawled into my pj's and sprawled out on my new bed. Ahhh!! What a wonderful reward at the end of a long and tedious day (I have had two endless days of mindless work at my job this week).

I woke up this morning and thought of that TV in the living room. It could be the beginning of the end for me, if I allow it to take over my evenings.

As much as I fought the idea of utilizing the after-supper hours the previous five days, I felt much better in the morning when I did something besides crash in front of the TV set at night.

Yes ... everything I do in the evening affects the morning after.

Now, it is time to make the most of the day ahead of me.

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