Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seeds of Hope

I have been sitting still and reacting to life a lot lately. My defense is that 'I am doing all that I can do' and I feel very good about where things are (eventually) headed. But taking a back seat and simply going along for the ride has not been sitting well with me.

I needed to go and seek out some answers. Talk to people and get a feel for what lies ahead. Take a proactive approach and attempt to create some sort of safety net.

Yesterday, I took action. Today there is no visible difference to my situation, but internally I feel much better.

I researched a back-up plan to find out that it is there. It isn't an end-all answer but it is there in case of emergency.

I took my first step towards seeking out a back-up solution. I have a few other ideas to consider.

I have an in-case-of-emergency plan. But I cannot use that unless I have a forecast of what the future holds. So I have asked the questions. I am simply waiting for the answers.

What should happen while I was addressing the situation that has been consuming my energy? Another glimmer of hope from one of those wide nets I threw out a few months ago. They took two months to consider my offer ... and they are going to take me up on it!

Seeds of hope. I planted a few yesterday ... I reaped something which I sewed a few months ago. Life is full of surprises. As long as you keep planting those seeds.

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