Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring is in the Air!

Lighter jackets, open windows, dirt, dust & mud ... and the sun shining through the windows to show you just how dirty your windows, blinds and dirty your house really are. Yes! Spring is on its way.

I wrote that sentence with visions of cleaning in my mind when the phone rang and saved me from myself. Instead of spending an unpaid day at home cleaning, I get to go to work today. And this is good.

I love what the spring air does to my mind. I didn't exactly move mountains this past weekend ... but I moved.

I puttered and accomplished something. I could have done more ... but at least I did something.

There is a lightness in the air when spring is around the corner. Yes, I know that Mother Nature could still surprise us with just about anything at this time of year. March came in like a lamb so I suppose one may assume that it could go out like a lion. But even if it does ... it is almost April!

Warm weather, green grass, trees in bud ... they are all just around the corner.

It has been a very mild winter. We have little to complain about in our neck of the woods. But it is all about the extra hours of sunshine, fresh air and the freedom to move around without winter gear.

I feel light and breezy today. It is such a shame that I can't stay at home and clean ... (she writes with a chuckle) ... but it is off to work I go!

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