Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good Things Come ...

It is said that "good things come to those that wait". In my experience, it is more than just waiting.

Good things are all around you. Even in the darkest of times there are small miracles that make a difficult moment more tolerable. A moment of joy mixed in with a day of sorrow can make all the difference in the world.

Good things that matter  -  a quiet mind, a happy heart, a life of peace and joy, people that matter and a sense of feeling safe and secure in your world -  are the things worth fighting for. Material possessions come and go. Every human being deserves inner peace and harmony. Find yours. Fight to keep it in your life.

Good things are relative. In a time of joy, it is human nature to look beyond the moment and strive to bring more into your life.

In challenging times, look outside yourself and find a lifeline. Something to hold onto and pull you back to safety. Faith and the belief that there is a Power greater than yourself to pull you through the moment. You never know when the tides will turn. You don't know what is around the next corner. Just take it "one day at a time". "Let go and let God". These are the quotes that got me through my darkest moments.

Never give up!

Because good things come ... eventually. They really do.

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