Monday, May 7, 2012

A Family Day

Some things are just meant to be ...

In a world where everyone is busy, committed, working and taking care of matters in their own lives it is a rare thing when four people from four different families can make a relatively spur of the moment day trip.

And so it was, with my siblings and I yesterday.

It started as a whimsical idea and two of us were on board. One more email and there were three. A phone call later and we were four for four.

We have joined forces before. In all things family, we rally together. In good times and in bad. Sometimes it is a planned and thought out family affair. Planning family celebrations and attending them are a fun excuse to gather the troops.

Last year brought many excuses to bring all of us together on a fairly regular basis. The flurry of family activity slowed down after our family reunion in July. Not that we haven't seen each other and remained in touch. But we haven't all gathered under one roof for quite some time. Which made yesterday rather special.

Our mission was to provide our sister an alternate means (she had been planning on taking the bus) of going out to Mom's for the week. So even though Mom didn't join us yesterday, she was the 'end goal' of our mission. She wins the prize ...

I had company on the road for all but the last hour and fifteen minutes. I usually enjoy my solitude. Yesterday? I longed for a sibling at my side for that final leg of my journey.

I know we are a family blessed. To be close to your family, share the same history, the same humor and the same language is a gift. Family that feel like friends ... that is what we share.

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