Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pay Day Blues

It is an interesting budgeting challenge to be paid on the 7th of the month. I must ensure that I have enough squirrelled away to cover the balance of the existing month and then all of the first-of-the-month-expenses for the following month.

Pay day is quite literally very little more than an exercise in math. Add one pay cheque to the bank balance; deduct the bills; and figure out how to cover the shortfall.

I know that a huge part of the reason my energy and enthusiasm levels are not sustainable is due to this monthly pay-day dilemma of 'covering the shortfall'. I need to find a solution. I want the solution to find me. I have to expend an energy that has dwindled to an all time low.

My mind is coming up with creative solutions. Most of them are long term solutions that require long term planning (and spending). I believe that I need to sit down with myself and simply brainstorm. Make phone calls. Talk to people. Make a plan!

I know what I want. I am slowly realizing that this may not happen. I need a back up plan.

I guess this is why I kept one foot in the door when making job transitions in the past. This is what I was afraid of.

My aim was to put both feet forward and steer myself directly into my future. If I would have known how uncertain this future was going to be, I may have done it differently. Then again? Probably not.

There is something to be learned by every road we take. I'm still learning ...

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