Sunday, August 19, 2012

On Vacation

I am hours into my summer vacation time and off to a good start.

The first item on my agenda was to turn off my alarm. I awoke to the dog barking ferociously at someone/something and I awoke with a start. "What is that light shining through the window?" was my thought as I jumped out of bed to peek out the blinds. It was the sun ... I slept through the night!

I awoke to a day with an empty slate. I finished watching the movie that I had started to watch last night. It was a cheap movie that I had bought to take along with me on the 'retreat' that I planned for myself last week (and didn't need once I changed the direction of my life). This movie was symbolic of carving out a piece of time for myself. And I did.

I sent off a few early morning emails. One was to a friend who had suggested that we get together for a visit. She returned my email with an early morning phone call. We have decided to take a riverboat cruise right here within our very own city this afternoon. She has not been feeling up to par for the past many months and had to use her holiday time to cover the time she needed off of work. I have not had the carefree summer that I had hoped for. So we decided we could vacation right here at home. Who needs grand destinations and weeks on end when a Sunday afternoon is right here at our disposal?

My Youngest has wanted to do something that represents a vacation, so we will pack our bags and head off tomorrow. We hope to do a few things out of the norm to bring a sense of 'holidaying' to our days. Nothing big, no big hopes or expectations. Just ... something.

When we return I must focus on getting the house daycare-ready. I must put in a few bookkeeping days. There will (eventually) be flyers to be delivered. I must gently turn my mindset into one that will set the tone for the life I have set out before me.

I have a two weeks to transition myself, my thinking, our house and our lives into what I hope is a good direction.

But for this very moment ... and for the entirety of the upcoming week? I'm on vacation. I haven't taken one step out of the house and I can feel the difference already.

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