Monday, April 1, 2013

Doing it All Over Again

I'm walking into a new week (like the rest of the world) with a clean slate. Last week is behind us. This week will be a surprise.

Our temperatures are forecast to be hovering just over 'freezing' this week. I hope that means that the mountains of snow will melt in a fashion that does not create too much havoc. I want the snow and ice and puddles and mud and dirt gone so very, very much. But I would rather take this season slowly in the hopes that flooding is kept at a minimum.

Kids are out of school this week. In my Daycare, Part I ... school holidays spelt chaos. In Daycare, The Sequel ... school holidays are something that I actually look forward to. I will have the pleasure of spending the days with a five and an eight year old (in addition to my three regulars who are all under the age of three). I am looking into the week ahead with anticipation.

I officially have four weeks of flyers left before I hang up my carrier bag. I gave the required one month notice last week. I quite honestly cannot wait until this month is over. The snow should be gone and my flyer route will definitely be gone. I will miss it, but my thumbs won't (my sore-thumb repetitive injury is becoming a tiny bit bothersome).

I have a three-day weekend behind me. I cannot believe how completely thoroughly I wasted my days. I went away for (just over) 24 hours and it wiped me out. I came home and slept. Yesterday was not much better. Seven cups of coffee and visiting with a few friends pushed me off of the couch and away from the computer, but I quite honestly frittered away the final day of the long weekend. Shame on me! So I should have excessive stored up energy to take with me into the upcoming week.

I believe that most of my outstanding worries have been addressed and are behind me this week. So I am not carrying any excessive load into the week ahead. I am focused on the day that I am living and I am not scouting out any new income-earning-opportunities. I'm simply living in the present and trusting that the future will take care of itself. Why I have the illusion that I have any control over such matters is beyond me. But every now and again, I stick my neck out and try to create a path that I hope to follow. Not this week.

This week is a fly-by-the-pants kind of week. I'm not looking too far ahead and my neck is too sore to look backwards.

One step at a time. That's all I can do. It is all anyone can do.

I will do my best and give myself a break if I don't live up to my own expectations. I'm tired of beating myself up. It is a waste of energy.

My goal for the week is to spend the energy that I do have, in a positive fashion. That is my goal ...

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