Friday, April 5, 2013

Joy Defined

joy - 1.A feeling of great pleasure and happiness. 2.A thing that causes joy.

That which brings great pleasure and happiness into my life changes by the day. Perhaps by the minute ...

Children at play. One minute it may be over-the-top energy, enthusiasm and laughter. The next, it may be quiet contentment among a group. The closest thing to heaven on earth that I have witnessed is children playing contentedly among themselves. There is nothing better than harmony among children. It is one of my favorite things.

Children playing outdoors is a close second. Ahhh. There is nothing like it. A wide open sky. Space to let that pent up energy be released. Fresh air and sunshine are a great combo to add to a child-filled day. I love it. Except when I am fretting over one of the kids toppling down off the snow mountain in our front yard ... or throwing an ice-ball and hitting someone or falling into the window well or running out onto the street (our days of playing in the front yard are wearing very, very thin. So is 'winter').

An unexpected movie night brought a smile to my face and joy into my heart the other night. I bought 'Toy Story 3' for my daycare family. My Youngest and I picked up some refreshments and parked ourselves in front of the TV. Together. We simply savored a moment from a simpler time.

Then I went dancing. I like walking into the dance studio. There were many familiar faces within those walls. It is light and easy. But it isn't the same as it used to be ...

I know I'm there for only a short time. Until the dance lessons that I have paid for run out. I feel like I am learning things that will never be put to practice in the real world. Nor the dance world. I still enjoy it ... but it is simply not the same as it used to be. I miss the passion.

How does one bring the passion back into something that may have run its course? I sound like I am talking about marriage. And in many ways ... maybe I am.

When something that used to be light, easy, full of fun, happiness and joy becomes work ... where do you go from there? When it is something that is an integral part of your life (marriage, family, work ...), what can you do to keep the joy that is mixed into the reality of day-to-day life?

I am no expert on marriage and long term relationships. But I starting to feel successful in maintaining relationships within my friendships, family and my children. Perhaps a little of what is working within the core or my life can be utilized to continue to maintain what is working.

Savor those moments of quiet contentment during the drudgery of day-to-day life. There is no better way of appreciating that contentment, than to have it taken away. Try taking on something brand new in your life and you will soon come to realize that the 'same old, same old' is something one misses when it isn't a part of your life.

Add a dose of fresh air and sunshine into whatever you do. Take a step out into the vastness of our great outdoors. Whether you sit on your doorstep and gaze upwards into the sky ... or go for a walk ... or take a drive. Enjoy the view outside of your reality on a regular basis. Conversation may or may not be a part of the scenario. Doing something quietly with a loved one at your side may be 'the best conversation you didn't have'...

Take in a spur of the moment 'movie night' now and again. It doesn't have to be grand in any way, shape or form. Simply tune out the rest of the world and tune into something that moves you to laugh, feel, cry ... anything. If you can share the moment with someone who enhances the flavor of said movie night, go for it! I can enjoy something just as much on my own (sometimes I need the aloneness to appreciate something to its fullest). Tune out the world some of the time.

Dance to the beat of your own heart beat. Do something that moves you to want to sing, dance or skip. Find something joyful that brings something meaningful to you and bring it into your world. When I turn on the music and sing and dance within the safe confines of my life, I feel the same joyfulness that I used to feel when I danced on a more regular basis.

When life starts to feel like too much work, take it one small step at a time. Add a little joy into your day in whatever capacity you can. Life isn't about the big moments that come once-in-a-lifetime. It is about making the little moments into something bigger than they appear.

Now I must go and take my own advice as I step into another kid-filled day. This week has felt a little too much like work. I must look towards the sun and savor the small moments within today. I have had just a few too many weeks like this. I must look within, to make the rest of my world work better...

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