Monday, August 5, 2013

Homeward Bound

Sleep has been all-important this last leg of my holiday. I have one last highway trip to make and I must be sufficiently rested and caffeinated before we set out.

It has been a most excellent two weeks. I feel like my heart, body and soul have been revived. I have tended to some of my basic needs and tacked on a little bit of fun, family and friends to boot. It has been a perfect blend of all that I have been lacking.

Goals achieved?

The Book is in the hands of My Uncles as planned. It is no where near as polished as I had hoped it would be. But a copy has been distributed to those who matter the most to the making of this book. I will tackle it one chapter at a time from here on. I must not let this momentum die.

I spent time with myself. I didn't read a book. After at least seven failed attempts, I have yet to make it through the movie that I had hoped to watch while I was on my break. I didn't make it to see a movie by myself. But all of these are little things that can be squeezed into the cracks of my life once life-as-I-know-it resumes. I am okay with that.

I spent time at my mom's. We had a few fun outings when we gadded about the countryside to visit a cousin and My Brother & family. Heading out to places unknown (to me) added a dimension of adventure to our travels. When our visit wound to a close, I left her with a copy of (dad's family's memories) The Book so she has lots of reading material and words to ponder. I think our visit was one of our best.

I spent time with My Son. Granted, a lot of our time was very quiet. Simply breathing in the same air at the same time. Once we got 'plugged in' to the Internet we were consumed with our little gadgets that connect us to the outside world. But this came at the end of our vacation. We had (and will have again) a five hour trip in the car ahead of us. We hung out together. Heavens! We even went zip-lining together (that is THE fastest way to burn up cash that I have ever encountered). We went to a movie together. And we went to a dinner theatre (within a group).

I got my hair and feet prettied up. I had my hair cut fixed. And now my hair must grow. A lot. That was the opposite of zip-lining. Still a lot of money spent. But it felt like I sat in a chair in a salon for an eternity. I can think of better ways to spend my cash. I'm kind of grateful that it will be a very long time before I need to tend to my hair again.

Now? We are a few hours away from take-off. We are homeward bound and we can't wait to arrive. My Son has been missing his black, furry friends (of the cat variety) and I must admit that I am in need of a good dose of cat love. I was anxious to check in and see how they are doing and this is the message I received:

"Junior Cat snuck into (my Second Son's) room in the middle of the night to steal an earplug. But (the cat) walks louder than people do, so he was caught."

It does make me wonder just what mischief he has gotten into without His People around. He is one curious kitty and something tells me that we are in for a few surprises when we get home.

I can't wait to get there ... now if only we could zip-line our way back home, that would be money worth spending!

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