Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bored Kitty Blues

"Cover the dirt in your plant pots with tin foil to discourage your cat from bothering your plant". 

That used to work for us. Then we met "Jet". Our furry bundle of trouble on four legs. Not only does he not mind the sensation of tin foil, he pulled it out of the plant pot and ripped it to teeny tiny shreds. Mind you, he left the plant and the dirt alone. I guess that is a "win".

We have kept a box of Kleenex on top of our fridge for as long as I have had a fridge. I have had more cats than I can count on two hands and never has this attracted any cat attention. Until Jet. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to hear cats at play. I wondered what I would find in the morning. This (among other things) is what I found:

Thankfully it is runny nose season in our house, so most of the half shredded tissues were still usable. We now keep the Kleenex box upside down, on top of the fridge.

Jet  has tried to send off several faxes since July. Since he is not too wise to the ways of dialing a phone number, he has not had any successful transmissions but that doesn't stop him from trying. The morning I found the half-emptied Kleenex box on the floor, I woke up to the "BEEP!" of him standing on the keys of the printer. I had already removed the paper, closed it up and turned it off. He found the "on" button and was back at it again.

Our cat is bored out of his mind. Apparently having another cat to play with and a house full of children coming and going is not enough for him. He is looking for new and improved and ever-changing entertainment. Our older cat does what he can to keep this kitten amused but he does look up to us with this exasperated look of "Not again!" every now and again. 

I have never lived with a bored cat before. It is an interesting new dimension to cat ownership that I wasn't quite prepared for. I'm running out of ideas.

I hear him trying to open the front door now. 

Maybe we need to get our cat a dog ... 

P.S. Thankfully I have to go to work today, making dog shopping nearly impossible.

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