Sunday, January 13, 2019

Building Rome

To renovate or not to renovate ... that is the question.

I was feeling stirred on by Marie Kondo's pep talks on the joy of tidying up. So much so, that I took a very brave step and checked into flooring yesterday.

If it wasn't for the job of emptying out the top floor of our home while the job was done and the knowledge that it would only make good sense to paint everything while the rooms were empty, I think I'd be hopping on this band wagon and simply getting the job done.

It makes a lot of sense to do the job in one fell swoop but the mere idea of it overwhelms me.

So today? I did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome wasn't a renovation project where half the job is emptying "what was" to make room for "what will be". Nor did Rome's construction project have to be fit in after regular working hours.

Two steps back, then one step into a new work week. Sigh ...😩

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