Sunday, April 14, 2019


I love Sundays. I like Saturdays too but Sundays have a special flavor to them as it feels like an official day of rest. I think I read somewhere that ... on the seventh day, They rested. Mom has memories of her own hard working mom resting on Sundays. I love a day that feels officially earmarked for kicking back, relaxing and enjoying whatever the day has to offer.

This particular Sunday is followed by a Saturday which was in my estimation ... perfection.

I enjoyed my leisurely morning and the phone rang just as I should have been picking myself off the kitchen chair and moving forward with the day.

A friend dropped by. After she left, I found a message from my son inviting me to join them for coffee and to walk the paths by the river. This led to an invitation to my other sons to come join us for supper.

I was home early enough to enjoy what was left of the evening. I could not have imagined a more perfect way to spend the day.

It was a day without a plan that worked out better than a perfectly choreographed agenda could have.

I love days that simply unfold without a map. Incoming or outgoing invitations slide perfectly into place, one thing leads to the next and it simply feels like everything is as it should be.

Today has started in a somewhat similar manner. I have had a few "hard things" to do. Washing my sheets and coloring my hair are behind me. All I have to do is hop in the shower, get dressed and let this day unfold without an agenda.

It is another day without a plan. I love Sunday!

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