Thursday, November 2, 2017

What Have I Done?!!

I have found a sure fire cure to the dissatisfaction I feel after getting my hair cut. I cut it myself.

I have no one to blame but myself if and when things go terribly bad. Trust me. When you take a pair of scissors into your own hands, bad things can and will happen.

I was bemoaning that very fact as I was getting ready for the day. I actually said it out loud. "What have you done??!"

I had just, minutes prior, tried filling myself up with positive, goal oriented, positive thinking videos. They obviously weren't working ...

Until I heard myself ask the next question. Again, it was out loud (talking to myself out loud must be tempered), "What do you do NOW?"

Words of wisdom came to me from the reflection of my bathroom mirror (it is no wonder I have an aversion to mirrors, when I seem to find myself talking to them!).

I parted my hair on the opposite side, clipped it into place and I came up with a solution to get me through the ordeal of growing out my badly trimmed hair.

Mistakes happen. The important thing is to learn from them. More importantly, is the ability to stop focusing on "What have I done?!" and refocus on the next question, "What do I do now?"

Even a good hair cut grows out and is it is hard to replicate what worked in the past. A bad haircut? It grows too.

Now, I just must remember this the next time I trust a hair stylist with my hair.

Enough about my hair already!! Right, Mom?

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