Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Free at Last!

Five weeks later ... construction on our street is complete!

 It is a small thing but it feels so big. 

From decisions about what groceries I felt like carrying from where I parked the car,
to how often I deemed it necessary to roll out the garbage and recycling bins for pick up.

What I felt like lugging through the cat-walk between our home and where I parked my car became the basis on how I decided what to take home from or pack up to take to my little oasis-away-from-home.

From vacuuming the car to washing the bugs off the windshield after my highway travels,
to how safe I felt about my car parked out of my sight after my daughter's car window was broken.

The small pleasure of being able to park in our own driveway/garage last night was doubled because the road adjacent to ours (which had been closed off at least a month prior to our road closure) has been reopened which makes the simple act of "coming home" straight forward and easy.

To top it all off, the new traffic light installed at the corner where we turn off was green when I came home last night.

Oh, the little things in life.
It is a shame we often don't appreciate what we have until it is taken away.