Monday, May 16, 2011

The Best of Both Worlds

It was just under two years ago that my Second Born Sister's children threw a surprise anniversary party for their parents. Each of their four children had an integral part in the program and their own personal version of the 'Story of Their Parents'. Each and every one of them shone in their own special way. They were a family united and they shone together and let us have a glimpse at their universe.

This past weekend, my Oldest Sister held a surprise birthday party for her husband. She invited friends and family. She organized the menu, the venue and the multitude of details it takes to make an occasion like this unfold seamlessly.

The program involved each one of my Sister's children speaking. Five children. One professional comedian among them. Yet each one of them captivated the audience with memories and thoughts of their dad. Each perspective was unique, yet was a thread of the same story. Each had their own way of stringing those thoughts together in a cohesive way which was a pleasure for all to hear. Once again. Not one of my Sister's children shone any brighter than the rest. Once again, the family came together and created one bright light.

When I had time to be quiet with my thoughts on my drive home yesterday, I marvelled at these nieces and nephews. All of them. I look at the children of my siblings and what I see, is a wonderfully meshed combination of the best of both of their parents.

I reflected on my own family and how my Oldest Sons helped me 'carry the ball' and entertain my Brother and Sister-in-Law while they were out for their brief overnight stay this weekend. I look at all three of my children and what I am beginning to appreciate is the fact that they have found a way to siphon through the kaleidoscope of family traits and come out with some of the best.

Children emulate what they see. When I look at my sibling's families and appreciate the fine young adults that they have become, I feel like I have a glimmer of understanding of the dynamics of their family. A little piece of many genetic puzzle pieces all put together into each one of these unique and special human beings.

It is such a gift to have the opportunity to sit back and marvel at the wonders of family. It is such a blessing when you see children grow into adults that carry a piece of the best of the two 'worlds' that created them.

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