At first glance, it appeared that my sister had it all under control.
Then she called me back and said that she would like to take me up on that offer after all. Could I bring a vegetable tray and a fruit tray? I asked "And how about a few Caesar salads too?"
She agreed that would be all she needed to round off the menu. And that was that.
Fast forward to this past week. Our outside temperatures have gradually been warming up. As the Party Day approached, I was thinking that cool weather would be more conducive to the one and a half hour trip to my sister's, with perishable food items in my trunk. Lucky us! It looks like it is going up to 19 today. What was I going to do about the food?
I had a few ideas, but acted on none of them. Last night, My Oldest took me to Costco and suggested we pick up this food and get that errand taken care of.
It was a great idea. But my bubble quickly burst when Costco had absolutely 'none of the above'. Nothing! And no guarantee it would arrive this morning either. I couldn't order this and place it on hold. It is first come, first served.
My worry meter started to rise. I tried telling myself there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it. This situation is entirely out of my control.

Then I woke up this morning and 'built' these thermal food containers out of items that I had on hand. As I was utilizing my inventive ways, I was buoyed by my 'Field of Dreams' analogy of life that started quietly speaking to me as I finally took some action.
"If I build it ... the food will come."
(Costco does not open until 9:30, so I don't know the outcome to my dilemma. Update to follow)
*** Updated May 15th *** The food did come!
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