Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Garbage In, Garbage Out?

I guess that title could be the theme of what I've been 'feeding' myself lately. Literally and figuratively.

I'm on an eating binge that is all consuming. Something is very hollow within ... and I'm feeding it. Badly. If I'm that 'hungry', I should feed myself balanced meals. Instead, I seem to hear the tune of "you deserve a break today" singing within. I am not satisfied with the food that I have on hand. I'm hunting for it outside of my kitchen and house.

What am I putting into my mind? I'm reading - a lot of fiction. I seem to be running on empty there too. I am filling the need to be entertained and I let my mind go on vacation when I read. It is an escape.

What am I searching for when I go on the net? An episode of Oprah is often at the root of my quest for new input for my mind. Monday's show on unconventional and unforgettable dad's had me searching out a blog of one of those dads. One blog led to the next and the next thing I knew, 3 hours of my evening had disappeared.

Every day heroes are all around us - people we know, people we've never met, people we cross paths with every day. Everyone has a story. When I researched some of the stories of these families, my own story felt very short and easy.

I have found the blog of an author that I thought would inspire me. Instead, it makes me feel inadequate and lacking in most every way. I think I shall delete that site from my favorites. It's not that I couldn't learn a lot from reading her words. But I'm not in the right place to read them right now.

It's a very, very quiet daycare week so far. I haven't had a lot of adult conversation and the one parent that does stay and chat, is somewhat negative. I haven't found a balance for that conversation (nor have I been looking).

I watched a movie that really made me think. That is enjoyable ... but as I was thinking on what I've been 'feeding' myself recently I realized that the topic of the movie was actually quite depressing.

I took a few days off of exercising and I have yet to jump back on that bandwagon. It wasn't convenient to exercise for 1 day. I have made the choice not to exercise in the 3 days that followed that. My mind and body were benefiting from the work outs and I have deleted that from my feel-good list.

I need to feed myself something healthier. Starting with a healthy, home cooked supper (I just brought out some chicken to thaw).

I need to move. I have been doing some raking outside ... but I have been moving so slowly that I embarrass myself. It is time to face my Wii trainer and see what he has to say after taking so many days off!

I need to surround myself with positive. I must fill my emptiness with uplifting words, thoughts and people. If they don't come knocking at my door, I must seek them out.

Replacing the garbage with a well balanced life in all respects, will result in a more well balanced 'me'.

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