Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Day The Patch Fell off in Skagway

My motion sickness patch fell off last night. I thought that my body would have gotten the hint that I was travelling on water by now. I was hoping the residual drugs from 'The Patch' would get me through the last two days. Life did not go according to plan.

It all started with our excursion. We met on the pier at 7:15 this morning, then went by Catamaran to meet up with our tour guides for the day.

Our guide gave us a humorous, informative and oh-so-interesting narrative along the long and winding road that would be the starting trip for our raft trip down the river, where we would have a picnic lunch. Then all we had to do, was take that long (oh-so-long) trip down that endless bus trip back to where our catamaran would take us back home.

Okay. All I really have to say is that the anti nausea patch really, really works.

Half way through our bus trip, I felt the car sickness sensation. After that point, I got to ride a raft down a river. All I could think was "keep your eyes on the road". I survived. It was the long ride home that really did me in. I kept my eyes closed and hoped for the best.

We finally arrived at our destination, when I barely made it to the rest room to purge my lunch and breakfast. Considering my lack of food content yesterday, losing the little bit of food that was in my stomach wasn't probably the best idea.

I could not wait to get to the ship and lay down. That part went perfectly. It was waking up that was the issue.

I lost my spare patch. The Gravol pills that I took didn't seem to have any affect. So .... I went to an Acupuncturist for the first time of my life.

I am sitting here right now thanks to whatever that Miracle Lady did. It was costly. Man!!! It was costly. But I would have (most likely) 'lost' the last two days of my vacation if I didn't do this.

I am happy to say that I am minutes away from getting ready for tonight's formal night. An 'iBroadway' production at 7:00; supper at 8:30; and 'Dancing With the Stripes' at 10:30.

It is time to make the most of the last hours I have on board.

The 'Day I Lost My Patch in Skagway' is going to have a happy ending. I'll write about it tomorrow.

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