Easy does it.
One day at a time.
Keep it simple.
Let go and let God.
How important is it?
Just for today.
First things first.
It has probably been around 25 years ago since I last attended an AlAnon meeting. The little pearls of wisdom that I learned in those meetings have resonated within me through out the past quarter of a century. And it seems they've risen to the top of my consciousness a lot this past week.
I was having a conversation with My Oldest last week about faith. He is curious and interested in learning about religion.
It was my intent to expose my children to religious beliefs and let them decide what they believed. I let the Catholic school system provide some of that knowledge to my second and third child ... but my first born didn't have that exposure. He is now searching. So I told him of some of my spiritual beliefs.
Even though I don't follow a formal religion, I have an internal moral code that I live by. And I have Faith. I can remember being told: If every single person followed the Golden Rule - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you', our world would be idyllic. So I do my best to live by that one Rule.
AlAnon's take on religion is that we should believe in a 'higher power'. What or whom different people choose as that power is an individual choice. But the key is to believe in a power greater than yourself.
Sometimes you just have to 'Let Go and Let God' ... let go of a situation that you have no control over and let a power greater than yourself guide you through.
This year, I know many people that struggled through this holiday season. I think that my compassion for those that are going through the paces of the season tempered my own gaiety this season.
Birthdays, Christmas, New Year's celebrations are so hyped up. When in reality ... they are just another day.
For those who are grieving or consumed with a reality that doesn't fit the confines of 'Merry' 'Happy' and 'Joyous' holiday greetings, it tends to magnify whatever is going on in their world. Granted, it magnifies the good. But really ... why can't we just celebrate each day as it unfolds? Why do we need Hallmark greeting cards to dictate the occasions we observe?
I have wandered through the blogs that I visit on a regular basis to find many New Year thoughts and reflections. What I am feeling within me doesn't fit the mold this year.
Whether a person is overcome with happiness or sorrow, my words on this non-occasion are: Take it 'One Day at a Time'.
As I wrote in an email this morning: "To heck with Merry Christmases and Happy New Years ... may this day be better than yesterday ... savor each and every moment!!"
My heart is feeling the sorrow of those that I know ... and those that I don't know. While the words within me are many, I think it is best to let AlAnon put this to rest in the best way that I can think of:
"God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference."
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