Monday, May 4, 2015

A Do-Over Kind of Weekend (aka: Monday, I am SO Not Ready For You!)

I feel so incredibly unprepared for "Monday". I feel like I am running on empty.

This past weekend was just an experiment. Please let me try it and do it all over again. I can learn from what went wrong and do it better. I promise.

I would leave my house five minutes earlier to go to work Saturday morning. I would leave the house a half hour earlier to meet up with a friend Saturday evening. I would get up an hour earlier Sunday morning.

I would listen more and talk less. I would relax and just let things flow. I would not try so hard.

I would find a way to politely tell the young man (and the two girls he was trying to impress) to stop talking through the entire movie I went to see with my son yesterday.

I would eat better, breathe deeper, stop more often and just inhale the moments.


There were simply not enough of them these past two days. Last week was too busy and I was really counting on the weekend to breathe air back into my soul.

I scanned the calendar for the upcoming month. It is empty. I am beyond relieved.

I don't have a to-do-list or a must-be-there list. I just have to wake up each morning and show up for my day. That is it.

I can do that!

One day at a time. That is all. Just show up. I can do that.

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