Sunday, January 2, 2011

And Now Back to My Regularly Scheduled Blogging

Enough already about the whole Christmas and New Year's thing! I've been doing nothing but repeating myself for the past while and I'm getting a tad bored with my old tales.

It's time to move on!

This morning, I have been planning the New Year. Not making resolutions. Planning. Totally different.

I am pursuing my interest of Zumba with a vengeance. I plan to make the most of my Zumba lust. We'll see how the year unfolds.

I have an upcoming 'sister' weekend to anticipate. A fun-filled trip out to Mom's while I Zumba the day away and come home to a house full of family at the end of my Zumba fun. Then a good sister-visit all the way back home again.

There is hope of continuing to walk further through the 'door' that was opened over the Christmas holiday. The new year is full of new hope and possibilities.

I am going to complete a course, write a book and complete another course.

Then ... I am going to go on a cruise!

I am going to fill my days with the perfect balance of work, challenge, learning, family, friends and down-time.

I will cook and provide nourishing meals for myself and my family. No more of this "I hate cooking" for me. That is a poor excuse. One's mind doesn't work at full capacity if you don't nourish it.

Our dance showcase will be the highlight of the spring. There are upcoming reunions to anticipate in the summer. A lofty goal that I have set for myself in the fall (that will carry me throughout winter, if all goes as planned).

Whew! I have a lot of ground to cover this year. It's time to get cracking!!

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