Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dilemma of 'Want Verses Need'

As I prepared to flip the calendar month from July to August, I felt my heart start to race. Omigosh! Half of the summer is over and I have accomplished absolutely nothing on my Summer Wish List.

I am committed work at Job #2 until August 9th ... but after that point? I am weighing my options.

Option #1 - Take the two upcoming scheduled days off that I have and add three more days to that, giving myself the gift of Five Days. I played around with various ideas and one can do a lot with five days if you have a plan. Five days are good.

Option #2 - Be available to work the week following those Five Days and book off the last week before I must be available to work again at Job #1. This would be a compromise. I feel that one of the reasons that my second employer hired me was because I was available to work the summer. But the art of juggling two jobs with unpredictable hours has me craving some real down-time. A holiday.

Option #3 - Book the remainder of August off of my second job and tell them that I will be available to work weekends once again in September. I feel that may jeopardize my job because I am backing out of the commitment that I thought that I could make to them. This goes against everything that my conscience tells me is right. Other than that ... it is what I most want to do.

I must take that back. Because what I most want to do, is to quit that second job altogether. That would be Option #4. Quit and never go back.

I sent off three résumés yesterday. The very idea of starting yet another new job feels daunting to me. Yet continuing down the road that I am presently on, for an undetermined amount of time, is no less exhausting of an idea. 
  1. I do not want to have to be available to work seven days a week!
  2. I do not want to wake up each morning and wait for the phone to ring and dictate the direction of my day.
  3. I definitely need and want a full-time job!
  4. I believe that I could start over and learn (yet another) new job ... if the reward was a full-time position.
If I could just one wish granted, it would be to attain the goal of that elusive full-time position at the job that I already have. It could happen. It may be a bit of a miracle ... but it still could happen. It is just a matter of when. And can I wait that long?

In the meantime, the dilemma within is raging. Do I pursue what I want at the risk of letting go of what I need?

May the correct answer please reveal itself to me? Please?

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