Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I need to idle a moment before I take my next deep breath and carry on.

This ambition/overload/idle cycle seems to be somewhat predictable. My brain won't stop even in the idling mode so I should be able to hit the ground running when the ambition mode hits again.

Exercising. I managed to do it religiously for 16 mornings in a row. Despite what I had going on in my life, I was dedicated to getting back in the habit.

Then I noticed my appetite. I am shovelling food into my already full stomach. Why? I think the stress levels have a little to do with it. But I'm wondering more about the exhaustion levels? I wonder if losing that hour of sleep in the morning to get up and exercise is messing with my food intake. So ... I didn't exercise the last two mornings. That doesn't mean that I can't get right back at it tomorrow ... but my positive 'self talk' isn't sounding too positive about this exercise thing. Not if it means doubling what I eat!

I'm sitting here staring at the computer screen ... idling ... and wondering if I should make myself some popcorn or not.

Idling ....

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