So ... while I was out on a 'hair save mission' (bad haircuts seem to run in three's; this was my third hair cut in ten days), I decided to dash down the mall and see if I could find a replacement purse in five minutes or less. Not because I was running short on time, but because that was all of the energy I felt like devoting to the task.
The friendly young clerk quickly came to my assistance and asked if I needed help. I showed her my purse and said that I would like a duplicate of what I already had. And voila! She found this for me:
I was over the moon! This was a no-brainer and I would be out of the store quicker than I thought. That was until ... she told me that there was "Buy One; Get the Second Half-Price" special. Oh no!
My Youngest could use a new back-pack. But I didn't dare choose one without him along with me. I could probably use an insulated lunch bag, but I couldn't find one that I could discretely slip into my 'work-bag'. I looked and looked. My five minutes were up and I was itching to get out of the store. So ... I settled on this:
Another purse of the same color.
Whew! I have saved myself the angst of having to buy another purse for at least five years or more.
The sad part? Even though the second purse was half price, it brought me well over the amount that I was comfortable spending. Whoops. Sometimes a good deal isn't such a good deal when it throws your budget for a loop.
But for me? It is always good to know that I have a spare of something that works for me.
They say, "If it's not broken, don't fix it." I say, "If it is broken and you must replace it, find one exactly the same!"
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