Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Knew I Was in Trouble When ...

I caught up on all of the 'missed episodes' that I could watch uncomfortably on my computer chair. The chair is comfortable in many, many ways ... but not in a snuggling-up-and-watching-TV kind of way.

I utilize many different contortions and tools to keep me awake at the computer so that I can watch my favorite TV programs on line. They work for a while (being uncomfortable helps) but eventually, I do fall asleep at the computer.

Last night, I watched 'live' TV. It has been ages since I've watched a TV program on TV.

Disadvantage #1 - The only TV hooked up to cable upstairs is in my room. Me + TV = Sleep

So, I grabbed a bag of chips. Yup, that oughta keep me awake. Then I got tired of chips. So I grabbed some Easter chocolate. That went too fast and besides, I was thirsty. I got some flavored water. I still needed something to do during commercials, so as my program went on I continued to find different snack foods and eventually went back to my (stale) chips. My stomach wasn't feeling so good.

By this time, it was getting late (8:00) and I thought 'I should just get more comfy and get into my PJ's. Then I would be ready for bed.

I did that and then I was chilly. So I got 'more' ready for bed and slipped in under the cozy covers.

I don't remember much beyond that point. My Youngest 'woke' me (I must have felt his presence hovering in the doorway of my room) at some point around 9:00. We had a small chat and the next time I woke up, all of the lights were off and he was fast asleep in his room. I slept through his bed time.

This is why I don't watch 'real' TV. It is a sleeping pill. The only means that I know how to ward off sleep, is to eat.

My stomach hurts this morning. I have a chip/chocolate/jujube hangover. I knew I was in big trouble when I went to watch TV in my room. Never again!

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