Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Sadie Movie

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of taking care of My Grandpuppy while My Middle Son was vacationing.

Sadie is a bit of a 'horse' in my mind. She is my second Grandpuppy (the first of which is a chihuahua - Levi). Sadie grew up with Levi and she developed some very strange habits - one of which was 'hiding' under a small coffee table. Another, is the little 'chihuahua jump' that she has mastered. She will spring up vertically on all four legs - imagine a chihuahua jumping up and down for glee and multiply it by 20. Yes ... as Her Owner says, "She looks at Levi and thinks she's looking in a mirror!" (and Levi thinks the opposite is true - that he is a German Shepherd/Border Collie cross).

I found a new quirk that Sadie has while I was puppy-sitting. She is not only camera shy, she appears to have a genuine fear of cameras. Is it because she was ''caught on tape??" (see video below).

Now, all you have to do is point a camera in her direction and she instantly heads to 'her' room - not to be seen again for a very long time.

Yup ... 'Sadie The Chihuahua' makes Her Owner proud.

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