Saturday, June 19, 2021

Weighed Down

"Random idea for you to think about ..."

These seven words changed my life. Perhaps the words that sealed the deal was my response seven minutes later. "I haven't even finished looking at [what they sent me to consider] but most definitely interested!"

The rest is history.

When that fateful message arrived early one Friday morning, I was contemplating my fate. I had offered up space in our home to house the contents of an office. At the same time, our basement was full to overflowing of belongings we no longer had any use for. All I wanted to do in that exact moment was to rid ourselves of the excess in the most expedient way I could find. 

The proposal was a partnership on a second home. A property instantly dubbed "The Cute House" caught our attention and wouldn't let go. It's a short story. That cute little property is now ours. We moved in last weekend. Those belongings that filled our basement? They furnished a house.

Yes. I had accumulated enough extra belongings to furnish a 897 sq ft, two bedroom house. Right down to the bedding, towels, kitchen needs and even offerings to "furnish" the back yard. All that was missing were kitchen chairs and a toaster. 

I spent a day culling through the excess of our home. As I cleared the linen closet, kitchen cupboards, bathroom, laundry room and closets, I soon realized why I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It wasn't the weight of the world. It was the weight of two households of belongings sheltered under one roof.

I felt Mom's presence within me as I assembled enough to turn a second house into a home. When I left my marriage and packed up to move to a new province I remember lamenting, "I don't know whether to rent a moving van or a Volkswagon" (my ex was not too co-operative when it came to dividing up our belongings). Mom replied, "Rent a moving van. I'll fill it!" And she did.

It turned out Mom also had enough excess to make a house a home under her roof. We packed up that van with enough belongings to start a new life. I never looked back.

That is exactly how I feel with this shared investment. Everything within my little world has been building up to this exact moment. A million small things all combined together to create two homes from one. 

There is a lightness of heart that has filled the void where the excess once resided. Lightening my load never felt so good. I am filled to the brim with the feeling I will look back at this time, history will repeat itself and I will say: "And I never looked back"

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