Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Hardest Part of the Day (is waking up)

As I gear myself up for another long day out of the house, I am sitting here reminding myself that the hardest part of the day is where I am sitting still (or lying in bed) and not doing anything about it (or convincing myself to put my feet on the floor and start the process of living a day).

Being idle and in a state of inertia is one of the worst places to be.

As I sit here and stew about this place in my day, I have decided to focus on the little things which bring the greatest joy to my day:

My morning coffee. It is less about the taste and more about the sensation that I am still, in the moment and treating myself to my morning ritual.

Arriving at work and completing the first hard task of the day. The first task is the hardest, so once it is overcome the rest of the day feels like a bit of a celebration.

Finding joy in the smallest of things. Running into someone in the hallway and exchanging a few words which result in their eyes lighting up and twinkling a little bit.

Making memories and getting to know someone I already know, a little bit better. I love the moment when I find out something new about someone I know well.

An email of a personal nature. I've all but given up on snail mail (but will never stop hoping for some). Text messages are okay but nothing (but an actual, physical card or letter) beats opening up and finding a personal email of a conversational nature.

Sitting in a car wash and knowing I can sit behind the wheel of my car, hands free, eyes off the road and those two and a half minutes are mine. All mine! The freedom I feel when locked in that momentary cone of solitude? There is nothing quite like it.

Sitting down on the couch at the end of my day, teeth brushed and everything is cleared away so the next item on my agenda is going to bed. My hand goes to my mouth and I throw away a kiss. Mwah!!😘 Le piece de resistance! THE ultimate best part of my day...


The hardest part of my day is getting out of bed. The best part of my day is savoring the moments before I crawl back into it. With sitting alone in a car wash, free to move my eyes and hands away from the steering wheel of my car a close second.

Something is wrong with this picture. Or else I am simply very easy to please. It's one or the other. Or maybe a little of both.

I must step away from the computer and do all the hard things that must be done before I leave my oasis for the day.

I will count the small blessings I find within this day and report back. I have found a mini-notepad to place within my mini-purse. I will focus on all the goodness that comes from my stressful day away from home.

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