Tuesday, January 23, 2018

In Search of a Blog

The blog writers I have followed for years have either switched their focus to social media, abandoned the idea of regular posts (look who's talking 😔) or I have outgrown their blog for one reason or another.

So I have set out on a quest to find a "50 something" blogger who writes of life as they see it. I don't want to read exclusively of health, fitness, fashion, travel, etc. I simply want to read of their spin on "life".

I want to feel like I have sat down with a friend and had a conversation of substance. I want to read  how others navigate this phase of living:
  • This feeling of drifting through one's days without a defined purpose after children are grown and parents are gone...
  • Living with the process and reality of loss of a loved one
  • The loss of "purpose" and having to dig deep to find something that truly matters, to help rekindle the spark.
  • An aging body and what to do with it in order to keep it in good running condition until it is no longer required.
  • Looking after one's health now and in the future. Ill health is simply not part of the plan, so preventative measures are probably a very good idea.
  • Thoughts of finances and how one is going to manage them, while hoping and planning for a work slow-down and eventual stoppage of work and retiring.
  • And what of this thing called "retirement"? What does one do to redefine themselves when the necessity of going to work each day stops defining life as they knew it?
  • The emotional changes as one thinks ahead, reflects and plans for a future you know nothing about. 
  • Moods that drift from fear to depression to anxiety and resignation. 
  • The need to remain involved, positive, vibrant and alive. 
  • A feeling of drifting through the days aimlessly until you figure out "all of the above".
  • The need for solid and sustaining relationships as one walks this walk. 
I have found my greatest resources come from that which I already have. Maintaining and nurturing friendships when I have not had the time, energy or desire to do so is the spice of life.

Mom's advise to "surround yourself with youth" (and she didn't mean of a daycare aged population) is essential. Conversations which focus on a healthy, youthful take on living is life affirming.

Mom appreciated the relationships she developed with her adult grandchildren. I can only guess why this may have been the case ... when it comes to your children, there is always a part of you which is a parent and always will be of a parenting nature. Grandchildren (I assume), are a step outside the parent/child relationship which alters the dynamic.

These are the things I want to read about. I want to hear how others navigate these waters. I long for these conversations to be light, humorous but pack a punch with the meaning behind the lessons learned as we make our way through these "post 50" years.

If I cannot find it, maybe I can create a piece of what I want within this space here. Life as I Know It is changing...

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