Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Post I Didn't Have Time to Write

I organized my morning just right. I was out of bed by 5:30 a.m.; done exercising by 6:30; showered/hair washed and dressed by about 7:00; lunch made and even a side order of toast by 7:15; and by 7:30, I was savoring my morning smoothie & coffee while doing my puzzles while my son readied himself for his day in the half hour that followed...

I was sitting there thinking, "Ahhh! I will have an entire hour to myself to write, email and do one household task before I walk out the door ..."

That was about when the morning took a twist I didn't expect but was fully prepared for. My son told me, "I think my ride has slept in again. You may need to be on stand-by."

They were words I didn't really want to hear but I was ready. I brushed my teeth, poured the rest of my coffee in a travel coffee mug, grabbed my lunch and we were out the door.

I've driven my son to school on a few other occasions. But I wasn't ready to start my day, so that drive to school and back home to finish readying myself for the day added 45 minutes of travel time to my morning which did not bring me joy. I am living a life where I can be on standby, so I continue to be grateful for this lucky lot in life I seem to be living.

That one "bonus hour" I spent going directly to work instead of returning home and then slowly making my way out the door was nothing short of a gift.

I was completely and totally prepared and ready to go on a moment's (well, actually ten minutes because it takes me ten minutes to walk out the door no matter how prepared I think I am).

I saved gas by going directly to work and not turning it into a trip that was completely out of my way.

AND, I got to work an hour earlier than I anticipated. And get this: I actually get paid to go to work. So I earned some extra cash due to this unplanned detour.

Before my morning got derailed, I had intended to write a post about counting all the small blessings I found as I lived the prior day. I had forgotten to make notes along the way and that particular day simply felt "hard". I wasn't entirely certain what I was going to write but I was creating a rough first draft in my head as I was drinking that cup of coffee that ended up in a "to go" cup.

The blessing turned out to be an unexpected twist in the morning prior. A twist, which would have completely side tracked my morning only a few short weeks ago, turned into a gift.

The previous day, I walked out the door with lead in my shoes. Everything felt hard.

I didn't feel the euphoria that sometimes hits me when I complete a hard task at work. I planned to count "moving ahead throughout the day, despite the fact it still felt hard" as one of my small blessings that particular day.

I was going to write about the detour I took when I picked up some McDonald's for my son and I, on my way home from work. It cost less than the amount I had left on a gift card. So it felt "free". It felt like a blessing.

I had cleaned cat litter in the morning, so I didn't have to do it after enduring a hard day. I love remembering I have already done some of the hard things in the morning, so I don't have to do them at night.

I received not only one, but two personal emails that day. Ask for what you want in life and life has a way of making things come true. Especially when you meet "life" half way and create a space for those small blessings to find their way to you.

The weight of the upcoming week was pulling me down. I thought I would be working at my bookkeeping job close to full time, after my boss returned home from the hospital. So in lieu of carrying the weight, I asked her if she minded if I took off Monday and Tuesday, so I could be there for the balance of the week, when she got home from the hospital. She thought that was an excellent plan, so I ended up with an extra, extra long weekend away from my bookkeeping job.

"Ask for what you want" in life. Sometimes it is just that easy. Other times, a compromise may be met. There are times when the answer is simply "no". But there is peace of mind in knowing that you stated your case, presented your solution and simply asked.

My thoughts have taken a complete "180" over the course of the past few weeks.

Exercise? I believe any type of activity which pumps extra blood and oxygen into your brain is a most excellent place to start.

A good substitute may be simply getting outside, breathing fresh air, looking upwards and let what is weighing you down waft upwards into the universe. Set it free. Let it go. Let what happens, happen.

Writing? I knew it was a huge part of my answer. By the time words hit the page, there is a brain to fingertip connection which starts translating the angst, the sadness, the worry and the helplessness. As I continue to write, I seem to find my road map.

The brain to fingertip connection (for me) is mystical in the way it works. I always, always find my way through when I let my fingers fly. They often tell me things I didn't expect to write. The subconscious mind is all knowing. Try to find "your way" to hear yourself think, reason and come to terms with life as you know it.

This is my morning email from

May you seek and find your "better connection" today. 

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