Thursday, September 9, 2010

If the Dress Fits ...

Yesterday, my dance instructor called to ask if I will be participating in the annual dance showcase this year. This has always been the highlight of my dance year. The preparations, the fun, the costumes, the comraderie, enjoying seeing all of our dance group in one day and the culmination of a year well spent.

As the showcase date is fast approaching this year, the first thing that comes to mind is the cost.

I've been pinching pennies all summer and I think I have a handle on my spending once again. The actual cost of the showcase isn't unreasonable. It's all the extra ''stuff'' where I find myself spending money. Hair, nails, jewelry, attire for the evening ... you name it, I can spend money on it, at this event. Showcase has become synonymous with excessive spending in my mind. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Then there is the actual dancing. The long and short of it is, is that I'm not prepared. My feet have a vague idea where they need to go and what they need to do. My arms and hands are slowly catching on. But the technique - that stuff that no one consciously notices ... but makes a huge difference as to how the dance feels and moves? I haven't been practising or working at this. I deserve to look as 'unpolished' (and that's putting it mildly) as I do.

Okay. I could scrimp on the spending this year. Spend no more than it costs to participate. I could practise. I read somewhere that practise doesn't (necessarily) make perfect ... but a person can get perfect at practising. I can do that.

That leaves ... the dress. If the dress fits, I'll do it.

The problem? I tried on the dress last night. I always wanted a dress that stretched. This ball gown stretches. And it ain't purdy.

Do I have time to ''unstretch'' the gown in the next six weeks? We'll see. Because I've made up my mind. I'm going to do this whether the dress fits or not!

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