Friday, February 18, 2022

The Gift of Choice

Ahhh, one of my most favorite long weekends of the year has arrived. There is nothing better than an extra day off during what, usually by now, feels like the longest winter. Ever. 

That long span of holiday-less-ness between New Year's Day and whenever Easter happened to fall in the spring always felt endless. A February long weekend still feels like a surprise gift bestowed upon me every year.

What to do? What to do?

Oh, to have a choice of how to spend one's time. Where? With whom? What activity of choice?

I am so very fortunate to have the gift of "choice". I have easy options. The decision will most likely be made by whatever feels right when I wake up in the morning.

To stay at home, a place that embraces me with every cat hair and welcoming favorite spot? Or to travel a little over an hour away to spend time in my little oasis on the prairie - my happy place, my potential retirement goal, my place to "just be" ...

What to do? I could opt to work. I could opt to play. Whatever feels best in the moment I'm in will rule the day. I have one extra day at my disposal. I could use it wisely or I could fritter it away.

There is a contentment within my little home so I don't feel the need to distance myself from where I am at. 

It is truly a gift to feel at peace anywhere. To have an option of where to "spend" that bliss? Priceless.

Finding your bliss where you may be is my February wish for you. 💕

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