Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Perfect Day

Yesterday was just a regular day. I had a few vital things on the to-do-list-in-my-mind, a bit of an agenda for the day and a few extra things tossed in.

I absolutely love the ability to go with the flow of the day. I had only 2 children in my care yesterday, so it was an easy daycare day which gave me a little elbow room in my own world.

An email from a cousin spurred me into action yesterday morning. One short little email catapulted me from idling on the idea of a family gathering, to actually getting on the phone and moving things forward.

I had book keeping to be done. I was positive that more work would be forthcoming at the end of the day, so I was scrambling to complete what I had so I would be starting with a fresh slate. Between all of us in the house taking our turn on the computer, I did get enough computer time to finish up the work at hand.

I had to run a quick errand before my last child of the day left. I had from 5:00 to 5:30 to get from here to downtown and back during rush hour traffic. I tell you (it was at this moment that I truly started appreciating the small miracles of the day) ... it was like the sea parted and let me through. On my way downtown, I was going against the traffic so I sped right along. I got to my destination and parked in an almost vacant parking lot. Went into the empty office, picked up what I needed and tried to map out the best way home (I was going with the traffic this time). Between green lights, a good route and a lot of luck we made it back home seconds before my last parent arrived to pick up their child.

Yesterday was 10% off day at my regular grocery store, so I usually save my big shopping trip of the month for that day. There was also a group dance lesson at the dance studio but I thought that I'd quite possibly miss that, since I just knew that I would have work to do (as well as the shopping trip). But when my last pick up of the day was actually picked up by 5:30 and I didn't get any more book keeping work dropped off ... there was hope.

Once more, the sea parted for me and the traffic flow was next to nil as I easily made my way to the store. Some one pulled out of my favorite parking spot just as I was driving up. The cashier was standing there waiting for me when I went to pay (and then the line up formed behind me as I was going through the till). Once again, there was no traffic as I made the 'impossible left turn' on my way home.

At every turn, I was amazed by how easily life was flowing. Nothing was hard. Green lights, little traffic, good parking spots, no line up at the cashier ... all I could think was "I think that I was meant to go dancing tonight." So I did.

Green lights the whole way, I continued driving down life's unobstructed path. I have been so isolated from 'the real world' the past week, I was looking forward to an evening with other adults.

I thought that the day couldn't be more perfect. But it was. I had written myself a big note to call my sister and left it on the kitchen table. Of course I didn't have one idle moment in my after-kid-hours to make that call. But ... I came home from my dance lesson, and found a message on the answering machine from that very sister. I just glowed within.

Have you ever had a day that is so normal ... yet so extraordinary?? It was all 'small stuff'. But it was a day where I felt like I was following the right path. No obstacles to get in the way of what needed to be done.

And it ended with a conversation with my sister. It was a most perfect and wonderful day.

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