Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everyone Has a Story

I am working for a man who is gradually pealing back the layers of his 'story' and telling me little sound bites from his life.

I know only a very small piece of who this man was and who he has come to be. But hearing of his humble beginnings and seeing what he's made of his life has opened my eyes and ears. I want to hear more.

I know many people that I care about are going through some of the most challenging times of their lives right now. I know there is a story behind all that isn't said ... and all that is said in outbursts of words and emotions.

Everyone we cross paths with has that story going on in the background of their mind. The clerk that appears gruff and defensive may have just been reamed out by a customer. The person who is quiet and seemingly afraid to speak, may waiting for an opening. Someone who is laughing on the outside may be crying within.

We just never know what is happening within the thoughts of another. Even those we know well.

As I searched my mind for the words I wanted to find, I found this quote:

Teach this triple truth to all:
A generous heart,
kind speech,
and a life of service
and compassion
are the things which renew humanity.

Sometimes, words are not enough. Kindness, caring and compassion go a long way when you can't find the words.

When I go silent, it is because I am unsure what to say. Or as Winnie the Pooh would say:

"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering."

Sometimes that is exactly what you need to do.

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