The adrenaline that has been coursing through my veins these past few days is still coursing.
Thoughts are running through my mind in an incessive loop. I can't stop the flow of memories and emotions.
The anticipation. Yesterday was everything I could have ever dreamed of (well, I suppose in my dream I would have performed without quite so many errors). The people, the atmosphere, the energy, the entire event. The reality was just as I had envisioned.
As I unpacked my bag last night, I couldn't bear to put everything back in its spot. Instead, I gathered my 'memories' in a pile and snapped a picture that I can hold onto forever.
The sparkly jewelry ... the gold lame sash/hat/accessories for our 'Ladies Chorus Line Formation' ... the door prizes that I won ... and the gift that the participants received. The physical reminders ... the 'glass slipper' of the day.

I couldn't have said it better myself.
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