Thursday, March 19, 2020

Rabbits and Social Distancing

Watching our neighborhood rabbits is one of my all time favorite things to do.

As the world feels like it is spinning out of control and we are bombarded with continual news updates and reminders of the wide spread effect of the world pandemic, I find myself drawn to our living room window waiting and watching for nature to amaze and astound me.

Enter our rabbits.

We have at least three rabbits who frequent our front yard. Sometimes I just spot one, but they seem to be aware of each other's proximity at all times. Whatever language rabbits speak, I'd like to learn it.

They may appear to be isolated but they seem to know others are close by. Something for all of us to keep in mind as isolation is not as comfortable for some as it is for others.

I sat and marveled at the rabbit having a little snack in our front yard as dusk arrived. It was light enough for me to notice the tips of its ears were dark. There are light splotches of dark fur starting to emerge on its back. Its muzzle appeared to be darkening ... 

No matter what is going on in the world around us, spring is coming. Days are lengthening. The sun continues to rise each and every morning. Life goes on.

As I sat and gazed at this rabbit, I silently wished it would turn around and face me so I could glimpse its face. And the rabbit turned around and appeared to be looking right back at me and our cats.

I choose to believe the rabbits sense us watching them and quietly observe us just as much as we watch over them. I believe they sense the safety the pane of glass in our living room window affords them. We can watch and appreciate each other at a distance.

Rabbits are naturals at social distancing. There is so very much in the world around us that can be appreciated best at a distance.

Savor the distance and appreciate what it brings into view. Let's keep looking for the good ...  

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