Saturday, February 20, 2021

Revelling in the Moment

My desire to write out loud has diminished along with my ambition, motivation and joy factor. As I woke up to a bright and shiny Saturday morning I felt a glimmer of all of the above return. Do I dare wonder why? Or do I simply revel in the moment?

I think I shall do a little of each.

What is right in the world today? The longest months of winter are behind us. Days are lengthening, the sun is getting a little stronger, we are on the other end of a cold snap and the sky has been blue for several days running.

Deduction: Sunlight matters. 

What have I done to make a difference? I have knocked several big jobs off my to-do-list within my job and personal commitments. I managed to accomplish several small tasks on the home maintenance list before the weekend [it may only be washing a few loads of laundry and vacuuming but I still call that a win right now]. All errands are run, the car is filled with gas, my personal accounting/books are up to date and our grocery supplies have been replenished.

Deduction: A sense of accomplishment matters.

Who have I spent time with? I am not alone. I share a roof with my adult child and two cats, for whom I am eternally grateful. I have a nice rotation of friends and family who I have semi-regular phone visits with. People who I miss visiting in person are on the other end of the phone line during this long spell of relative isolation. Our phone calls are the next best thing to "being there". The telephone connection has been a godsend.

Deduction: People and relationships matter.

What thoughts are going through my mind at this very moment? Gratitude. Simple and easy gratitude. For every milk, juice and container I emptied this morning, there was a replacement item sitting in its place. Functioning electricity is keeping our food frozen and our toes warm. My old and reliable car is getting me where I need to go. The roof over our heads is weathering all the conditions of the world around us and our city is providing all the services we need to keep our homes running as we expect.

Deduction: Appreciation and thankfulness matter.

How are we managing on all things health related? I know we are beyond blessed. I feel as fit as a fiddle [what an odd saying ... how does a fiddle stay fit?]. Family and friends are doing okay. This is a gift no matter what the time and place but as we continue to endure the-year-of-COVID, sustained good health is a global matter. Money can buy a lot of things, it can make a huge difference in countries where public health coverage is not a given but in matters of life and death money cannot buy a cure.

Deduction: Good health makes all the difference in the world.

The cycles of life ... the seasons ... the moon ... the hills and valleys of living life ... what we are living changes moment by moment. 

I am grateful for the return of the sun, the position of the moon, the fact I have made it to this particular plateau where I can simply sit and enjoy the view for a while. I hope to utilize this renewal period in a fashion where it continues to grow. 

My wish for you is the same. No matter where you may be on your own particular mountain, please tread carefully, stay safe, rest as needed, and when you are able, take the next forward step. ONE small step at a time gets us where we need to be. May you reach your next plateau, enjoy the view and continue on your journey. One small step at a time.

Sit with me and revel in the moment. No matter where you are, recapture your inner child where you simply see, feel, hear and breathe in the moment. The moment may bring you joy, it may break the façade you are portraying to the world and bring you to tears. Honor the moment no matter what it brings. Feel your feelings, let go of the need to be someone you think you should be. Just be "you". 

Just for this moment. Just revel with me ...

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