Friday, September 25, 2020

I Keep Waiting For This Announcement:

Ever since the reality of a global pandemic infiltrated my safe little world, there has been a surreal sensation of "this feels like an experiment of human nature".
  • How do humans react when faced with scarcity?
  • How do humans respond to isolation? fear? the unknown?
  • How does a global condition unite and divide humankind?
  • How does an unknown timeline affect this condition?
  • How will world leaders react?
  • With global uncertainty at the core of all news, how will people manage the layers of other world events on top of this uncertainty?
  • When all of the above becomes "the norm", how will humans manage on a day-to-day basis?
  • Will the human condition change after the crisis is over?
As I tentatively move from one day to the next and seven months later, we are still navigating the unknown on a day to day basis, I keep waiting for this announcement:

Emergency Broadcast System Test (1983)

"This concludes the test of the Emergency Broadcast System" 

Wouldn't it be nice?

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