Thursday, March 11, 2021

Grateful For Deadlines

As the number of piles continue to grow and multiply within my work-at-home space, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I feel grateful. Grateful for deadlines.

I have a large work table with several works-in-progress; work completed but yet to be submitted; papers-to-go; almost done; calls-to-be-made; information to have at-the-ready when calls come in; and my perennial to-do-list [note-to-self: make a new to-do-list. The old one is almost all crossed off!!].

As I mentally review these piles, there is great satisfaction in knowing most of them MUST be dealt with before the month's end. I'm so very grateful for deadlines!

A busy spring season is in store and I will need to be on my A-Game to keep on top of the day-to-day, monthly work that will arise from the busyness of our business. Having dates that cannot wait will keep me on task.

One set of deadlines rolls right into the next. All I can do is look into the horizon and wonder when there will be a lull in the action. Every reprieve will be consumed by a new set of must-do-items for as far as I can see.

As I sit here and blur my eyes over this little life of mine, I find myself wishing for this, that or the other thing that would help relieve some of the pressure I see in the forecast. Be careful what you wish for ... 

Everything that would help create extra space to create the illusion of making things better comes at a cost. Everything.

So this morning, I shall simply be grateful for the deadlines that will empty my work table one task at a time. 

This too, shall pass. The good, the bad and the ugly. Nothing lasts forever. Except perhaps (?) the ongoing deadlines in the world of bookkeeping and accounting. 

Thank goodness for deadlines!

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